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WV: Use glowing green rock to open can with your weak pathetic digits. 495
John: Examine wheel on the control panel. 495
WV: Wave about in a rational, diplomatic manner. 495
Jane: Just check out Cal. 495
Months in the kitchen. 495
Dave: Look at knife. 494
Rose: Go to front door. 494
Dirk: Jut your ass and twitch like a goat and piss on your desk. 494
A mother will do whatever is best for her children. 493
Rose: Hop over counter, landing in a jar and Mr. T puppet. 493
Dirk: What the hell is that who you are talking to the end. 492
I selected all those kids. Now what? 492
Terezi: Remove Midnight Crew poster. 492
Rose: Check up on data structures. 492
Dirk: Jut your ass and twitch like a flagellum and puke on your turntable. 492
John: Bone up on Nannaquin, see what's cookin'! 491
Months in the present... 491
Terezi: Prepare to retrieve pogo from card. 490
Jack: Take a look. 490