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Page 823 of 845

Title Score
WV: Pick up package again. 776
DD: Proceed to time capsule. 408
John: => SWITCH 2. 394
In a future settled askance of the keys on the control panel. 386
Terezi: Call a minion. 443
John: Spy in the past... 442
Jade: Deploy the Punch Designix. 381
John: Go out to be strong. 418
Jade: Captchalogue the unplugged powercord. 367
Dave: Go back up. 412
Rose: Drop something heavy on one of those characters. Time to move on. 396
Dirk: Talk to friend/enemy. 381
Jane: Throw down your hat to the wall. 393
Equius: Go check out the back door. 390
John: Captchalogue fake arms with cake. 372
Rose: Grab the soiled toilet. 410
Dave: Go get your sword. 402
Dave: Be the Rider. 507
Dave: Kick that puppet out of illicit literature. 386