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Page 542 of 845

Title Score
Eridan: Do something less boring. 233
Dave: Mouse over the river and through the air shooting two guns at once. 229
Jade: Pick up sledgehammer. 219
Dave: Stop wasting time and stop the thief. 250
John: Prepare to tidy up. 230
Dave: Combine Gamebro Magazine card. 217
FOR THE LAST TIME I COMMAnd you to carve spook schema in pumpkin. 223
John: Find the unlocked hub. 225
Seconds in the past... 246
Months in the future... 235
TT: Put bathtub back. 226
Terezi: Return to room. 228
Years in the closet. 219
PM : Read the note on drawer. 226
WV: Wave about in a 1980's time-lapse montage. 228
WV: Settle this dispute in a long discarded memory... 221
John: Switch back to adventurin'. 222
DD: Proceed to gate. 255
Hours in the study. 226
Rose: Head out the window. 233