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Dave: Insert card with Dutton ghost image. 439
AH: This is great! Something is in there. Take a prize from the purple text human again? 439
Jane: Feed it to the facility. 439
PM: Command John to ease your nerves. 439
Jade: Deploy the Punch Designix. 439
END OF ACT 3 ==> 439
Rose: Hop over counter, landing in a jar and Mr. T puppet. 438
John: Oh, just open the storage box. 438
John: Read book. Be the awesome coolkid. 438
Rose: Prepare for flight. 438
WV: Search for a can opener? 437
John: Take dowels and sheets from bed and make haste to the story jackass. 437
Jade: Combine crystal ball and magic cue ball. 437
John: Run to study. 437
Dave: Summon Davesprite. 437
Jack: Quick, be the pony. Second, follow Mom. 437
WV: Be the other girl. 436
AH: Pull up to that observatory. 436
TT: Grab the Eldritch Princess. 436
Rose: First, be the other girl. 436