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Page 19 of 844

Title Score
John: Go over the river and through the air shooting two guns at once. 499
WV: Examine contents of chest. 499
Dave: Insert disc three. 499
John: Examine back of the shower. 499
Months in the box. 498
Terezi: Go get help. 498
Lord English: Reveal yourself!!!!! 498
PM: Command John to put fridge down. 498
==> 498
TT: Put bathtub back. 498
Karkat: Deal with apocalypseArisen. 497
WV: Use trusty knife to the attractive female. 497
Jade: Deploy cruxtruder in its place. 497
Dave: Chill with Dave. 497
Meanwhile, in the future... 496
PM: Read the letter. 496
= >= << 496
WV: Wave about in a long discarded memory... 495
John: Attempt to retrieve mail. 495
Karkat: Be the law. 495