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Title Score
Dave: Kick that puppet out of illicit literature. 386
Jade: Locate and feed the devilbeast you call it the slammer when you are extra angry at crimes. 378
John: Enter code on back of the can. 496
John: Make your way to the gray text knight. it is an unpleasant human 384
WV: Appearify the grate over the river and through the woods. 483
This is stupid. Stop being that guy. 407
Dave: Check out DVD. 433
WV: Be the troll girl. 405
Dave: Get trolled by GA. 428
John: => SWITCH 3. 406
Calliope: Look around for clues. 567
DD: Check on Rose. 434
Dirk: Go through door. 451
FOR THE LAST TIME I COMMAnd you to carve spook schema in pumpkin. 419
Terezi: Remove Midnight Crew poster and outfit. 428
Calliope: Check out other posters. 538
Aradia: Be the Rider. 449
now my civil fellow, i have other duties to attend to. 389
Jane: Take a whiff. 426