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Title Score
Dirk: Captchalogue Hella Jeff has a sweet update. 269
Dave: Skip ahead a little. 262
Sollux: Get to that observatory. 243
john, stop talking to now, john? 252
WV: Check the blue box. 270
Jade: Deploy cruxtruder in its place. 260
Roxy: Succumb to unfathomable bloodlust. 211
John: Check status of battery. 270
John: Find the unlocked hub. 245
Dave: Go back in the car. 225
A good place to keep them fresh. 276
Jade: Captchalogue the card. 243
So many years ago, entrenched in the future, but not many... 393
Dirk: What the hell is that who you are here? 280
John: Proceed to crypt. 233
Jade: Open Echidna and go into the living room. 253
WV: Be the other 3 screens. 242
Jade: Combine one of those imps. 260
John: Be the Rider. 253
Dave: Pull sword out of the first visible captchalogue card. 228