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Title Score
Rose: Hop over counter, landing in a jar and Mr. T puppet. 184
Skip to the highest point of the amber. 252
Rose: Plug in your drink. 204
Dave: Be the other asshole. 214
Kanaya: Return to computer lab. 238
Jane: Proceed to gate. 246
Rose: Resist urge to take the wedged shale. 197
AH: This is stupid. Stop being the other girl. 220
Minutes in the car. 225
Skip to the alchemiter. 202
John: Examine back of the can. 240
Terezi: Deal with your loving wife and daughter. 215
Minutes in the closet. 255
Rose: Look around for clues. 232
Rose: Go through bedroom door. 230
Rose: Forget the W and bottle of vodka. 235
END OF ACT 6 ACT 6 ACT 5 ACT 1 1273
John: Run to your new guide. 211
Vriska: Go back to work. 219
Rose: Check self for unauthorized demolition. 245