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Title Score
Jade: Open the big one. 207
WV: Try to open cans. 214
Jade: Gracefully fly to the attractive female. 242
Rose: Consult with him. 222
John: Pick up sledgehammer. 209
Jake: Retrieve arms from... 223
WV: Use glowing green rock to open can with your own pee for the WQ. 220
John: Forget it. Go back to adventurin'. 210
PM: Command John to put fridge down. 247
John: Bone up on Nannaquin, see what's cookin'! 243
Ok, I already picked both of those characters. Time to move on. 253
Jade: Deploy the cruxtruder in Dave's room. 223
Rose: Combine magnetic W and make a tent. 215
John: Make your way to the center and do a goofy dance. 267
Rose: Go through bedroom door. 258
John: => SWITCH 3. 212
DD: Check on lusus. 218
AH: Forget it. Go back in the past, but not many... 231
I selected all those kids. Now what? 260
Dave: Search for a boss battle. 331