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Title Score
Vriska: Check on Sollux. 175
Jane: Take a whiff. 220
Aradia: Connect to Jade. 209
Equius: Talk to alien. 175
WV: Adjust time dial to appearify the cable again. 223
John: Look to your room! 225
Terezi: Troll this worthless human. 205
Jane: Check out green tome. 186
Vriska: Get back to Aradia. 232
WV: Welcome the rest of your room! 197
John: Attempt to retrieve mail. 222
Dirk: Check on Sollux. 219
Introduce yourself to the end. 206
END OF ACT 1. 182
now my civil fellow, i have other duties to attend to. 203
Stop being the other half of your interests. 191
Dave: Put a punched Gamebro Magazine card. 227
And pages and pages. 204
John: Investigate room for anything else of importance. 231
Dave: Resist great urge to seek revenge. 196