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Page 647 of 836

Title Score
Dave: Ignore Lil Cal a nervous fist bump. 179
John: Go to the facility. 183
Dave: Kick that puppet out of illicit literature. 202
Jack: Be the other girl. 175
I clicked on all those other kids? 180
Jake: Retrieve arms from... 189
John: Be the law. 200
Aradia: Check on Roxy. 216
WV: Welcome the rest into the garbage disposal. 201
DD: => SWITCH 2 179
i don't like the gray text not human immediately. 173
Meanwhile, the past again. 179
Karkat: Deal with apocalypseArisen. 183
Rose: Go through bedroom door. 470
John: Get the rest into the great outdoors. 265
So, uh... what about all those characters. Time to move on. 224
Months in the past again. 180
Karkat: Deal with this guy. 177
Jack: Be the troll girl. 203
Rose: Resist urge to take the wedged shale. 188