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Page 646 of 843

Title Score
Jane: Flip to another page. 214
John: Prepare for nap. 212
Terezi: Remove Midnight Crew poster. 469
John: Go to computer. 218
Tavros: Confer with network administrator. 206
Rose: Think of a new friend. 221
Dave: Get the rest of your interests. 235
Jake: Get silly old adventure off to the highest point of the keys on the counter. 214
John: Bone up on Nannaquin, see what's inside! 210
END OF ACT 1. 241
Kanaya: Return to surface. 208
Karkat: Check on lusus. 217
Months in the seizure kernel. 236
This one's empty. Perhaps a delivery is in there. Take a look. 209
Roxy: Get to that observatory. 227
John: Prepare to revive. 243
John: Prepare for a few minutes. 211
Years in the past again. 250
John: Switch back to adventurin'. 208
Aradia: Check on lusus. 223