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Page 473 of 845

Title Score
Jade: Ascend. 225
AR: Use gunpowder and empty crates to make a campfire. 227
==> 223
Aradia: Connect to server player. 248
Dave: Be the huge bitch. 233
==> 232
==> 219
Calliope: Exit. 224
Calliope: Load wand. 229
Years in the seizure kernel. 225
Karkat: Get in. 219
WV: Check book on Human Etiquette. 226
Jack: Welcome guest. 232
==> 221
John: Collect phat lewtz. 233
==> ==> 234
Jade: Combine mecha, streetsweeper, and iron suit. 374
Jake: Regain consciousness. 240
Roxy: Answer chumps. 218