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Title Score
Dave: Get hassled. 175
Jane: Ok, back to the kitchen back door. 175
==> 175
Jack: Examine compromising material. 175
Davesprite: Chill with Davesprite. 175
Introduce yourself to the chest. 175
John: Prepare to revive. 175
==> 175
Dave: Insert card with Dutton ghost image. 175
Jade: Appearify frog. 175
==> 175
====================> 175
Aradia: Go home. 175
Jack: Call a witness. 175
==> 175
DD?: Listen to DD?. 175
Dirk: Exit. 175
WV: Type => VIEW 175
Jane: Feed it to the gray text knight. it is an unpleasant human 175
Jane: Feed it to specibus. 175