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John: Open browser and go into the garbage disposal. 344
PM?: Prepare to retrieve pogo from card. 344
Roxy: Skip to the story jackass. 344
Jade: Search for power source. 344
WV: Welcome the rest into the living room. 343
John: Pick up car. 343
Vriska: Deal with crabby customer. 343
Introduce yourself to the story jackass. 343
Terezi: Prepare to leave the house. 343
Jade: Get the rest into the kitchen. 343
Hours in the box. 343
Terezi: Prepare to tidy up. 342
Jade: Captchalogue bass on card with the trash. 342
END OF ACT 6 ACT 6 ACT 5 ACT 1. 342
Jane: Return to serving client. 342
Also in the LOHACSE. 342
Terezi: Deal with apocalypseArisen. 342
Tavros: Roll up your toys! 342
Tavros: Deal with apocalypseArisen. 342
Rose: Prepare for flight. 342