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Title Score
==> 236
Safe: Level up for slaying the imp. 236
Rose: Refuse to acknowledge the absurd kitten. 236
==> 236
I selected all those other kids? 236
John: Carve a totem of the keys on the other girl and pester John again. 236
John: Get razor. 236
==>==> 236
honk. 236
Terezi: Be the imp. 236
Jade: Go explore the house. 236
==> 236
==> 236
==> 236
Rose: Knit the scarf. Be the other asshole. 236
======> 236
==> 236
======> 236
John: Examine Alchemiter in a distracting manner. 236
Jade: Captchalogue the unplugged powercord. 236