Title | Score |
Vriska: Check on Roxy. | 229 |
TT: Put bathtub in driveway. | 229 |
John: Ascend to the window! | 229 |
WV: Wave about in a 1980's time-lapse montage. | 229 |
==> | 229 |
======> | 229 |
==> | 229 |
==> | 229 |
Tavros: Hop in. | 229 |
==> | 229 |
Years in the kitchen. | 229 |
==> | 229 |
Stop being the other half of your interests. | 229 |
======> | 229 |
Sollux: Lament. | 229 |
Terezi: Orchestrate demise of the Midnight Crew. | 229 |
John: Run to study. | 229 |
WV: Use glowing green rock to open the storage box. | 229 |
==> | 229 |
==> | 229 |