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Page 188 of 843

Title Score
==> 253
Jade: Draw the jumper shunty thing. 253
Dave: Captchalogue nunchucks. 253
==> 253
John: Recombine hammer and pogo ride. 253
John: Take it to gristwidget 12000. 253
==> 253
==> ==> 253
Jade: Retrieve the package and flee to your new guide. 253
John: Rebuild the claw hammer and nails. They will come in handy. 253
Enter name. 253
Back in the box. 253
==> 253
==> 253
HONK. 253
John: Go out to be LE. 253
Terezi: Deal with your loving wife and daughter. 253
WV: Captchalogue can of gravy. Just pick it up. 253
Jade: Go explore the house. 253