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Title Score
Rose: Check out DVD. 428
Rose: Hurry up to John's room. 390
Dave: Check out big tv. 487
Dave: Combine fetus in a Timeless Expanse... 336
John: Search for carving apparatus. 351
Jack: Sniff out new Pictionary modus. 364
Render the girl in a rational, diplomatic manner. 485
John: Take dowels and sheets from bed and make haste to the second gate. 541
AR: Prepare to retrieve pogo from card. 380
Vriska: Check out magazine. 418
Kanaya: Return to party. 368
WV: Use trusty knife to snag one of those imps. 340
Jane: Return to serving client. 350
Davesprite: Chill with Davesprite. 431
John: Go in the closet. 379
Jane: Back to the other girl. 430
Jade: Put something weird in the lid of the wicked. 362
Dirk: Captchalogue Hella Jeff has a sweet new rap. 389
Jack: Empty pumpkin on Farmstink. 364