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Page 809 of 843

Title Score
Vriska: Check on Rose. 348
Dirk: Captchalogue Hella Jeff drawing. 526
Be the other golden tower. 392
Terezi: Call a minion. 339
Years in the car. 368
Terezi: Return to surface. 312
John: Prepare to tidy up. 364
Rose: Forget the W and bottle of vodka. 330
END OF ACT 6 ACT 6 ACT 6 ACT 5 370
Karkat: Check on Rose. 330
END OF ACT 6 ACT 6 ACT 6 ACT 3 ==> 532
Roxy: Succumb to unfathomable bloodlust. 355
John: Prepare for nap. 327
END OF ACT 6 ACT 6 ACT 5 ACT 1. 344
John: Open browser and go into the kitchen. 324
Karkat: Be the law. 490
John: Go in the future... 339
Is it not why you are talking to the local amphibious fauna. 378
Dave: Stop being invisible. 390