Vriska: Check on prisoner. |
253 |
what about all those characters. |
226 |
227 |
Jade: Stop being the other 3 screens. |
220 |
Karkat: Be the mayor. |
275 |
Drop pumpkin on floor. |
232 |
John: Forget it. Go back downstairs. |
252 |
John: Prepare for imminent windfall. |
300 |
Hours in the box. |
217 |
Dave: Stop wasting time and stop the thief. |
236 |
A good place to keep them fresh. |
220 |
John: Go over the orange stripe containing PlushRump. |
215 |
Jade: Prepare for a few minutes. |
259 |
Jade: Pick up as much as you can fly! |
237 |
John: Reunite with your own brain. |
247 |
John: Examine Problem Sleuth game. |
252 |
Vriska: Check out DVD. |
513 |
Rose: Attempt to get that guy's attention. |
278 |
TT: Pick up your ramp. |
261 |
Dave: Resist great urge to ride bro's rocket board. |
221 |