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Page 741 of 845

Title Score
Dave: Take legendary nap. 244
Jack: Take a look. 262
Jack: Quick, be the hat. Second, find dad. 284
Jade: Draw air conditioner unit. 246
WV: Welcome the rest of your own brain. 267
Aradia: Be the other guy again. 244
Jade: Just draw some roads. 277
stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop. 227
Jade: Go explore the house. 264
Jade: Quickly retrieve arms from floor, post-haste! 260
Jade: Pick up books. 266
Calliope: Check out one of those imps. 288
Terezi: Return to serving client. 271
Jane: Go to the end. 273
Jack: Call a witness. 289
Aradia: Check on lusus. 227
WV: Settle this dispute in a jar and Mr. T puppet. 345
Dave: Insert disc three. 251
Jake: Get silly old adventure off to the kitchen back door. 258