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Title Score
John: Be the leader. 240
Meanwhile, in the future... 215
Dave: Check on lusus. 246
John: Combine ghost suit and particle accelerator 234
Dave: Go online and view sites indicative of your own pee for the mailman. 205
Dave: Look at the piece of shit. 259
Jade: Go and make haste to the chase and play card games immediately. 228
DD: Proceed to stairwell. 257
Rose: Drag some cruxite dowels up to the story jackass. 265
Dave: Be the imp. 251
WV: Wave about in a 1980's time-lapse montage. 225
Jane: Feed it to specibus. 223
John: Be the huge bitch. 222
END OF ACT 1. 241
Roxy: Proceed to castle. 250
Render the girl in a rational, diplomatic manner. 218
WV: Wave about in a cautious manner. 238
Vriska: Go back downstairs. 275
Rose: Use pogo ride card. 211
AH: That sounds like a flagellum and puke on your bed. 220