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Page 660 of 843

Title Score
John: Enter code on back of captchalogue card on floor. 260
AH: That sounds like a flagellum and puke on your bed. 536
John: Enter code on back of the present... 211
WV: Be the troll girl. 225
Dave: Get the rest into the garbage disposal. 212
AR?: Doff your hat in disgust. 367
WV: Try to understand. 212
Rose: Grab the soiled toilet. 213
AR?: Doff your hat in disgust. 235
Dave: Mouse over the entrance to the chase and play card games immediately. 255
Jade: Go and make haste to the newly created hole. 235
Years in the box. 214
Calliope: See what you can as fast as you can go. 212
Dave: Get trolled by CG. 224
PM : Read the note on drawer. 236
i don't like the gray text not human immediately. 222
Dave: Take legendary nap. 241
Jade: Gracefully fly to the local amphibious fauna. 235
Gamzee: Take a whiff. 224
WV: Fondly regard cremation. 241