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Title Score
Rose: Forget the W and bottle of Faygo. 214
Davesprite: Chill with Davesprite. 217
Years in the study. 208
AH: Pull up to John's room. 240
Jade: Locate and feed the devilbeast you call it the slammer when you are talking to now, john? 217
Dave: Give Lil Cal and find the beta. 211
Jack: Look at the other other girl. 212
stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop. 212
Jack: Throw down your hat to the kitchen back door. 220
And pages and pages. 213
Dave: Wake up again. 238
Dave: Go get fake arms with cake. 491
Dave: Check the latest page of the first visible captchalogue card. 211
WV: Adjust time dial to appearify the cable again. 214
Jade: Move Dave's bed to the newly created hole. 243
John: Use the chalk to draw some earmuffs. 211
John: Bone up on Nannaquin, see what's cookin'! 217
Dave: Wake up again. 230
John: Switch modus and set it to specibus. 207
Kanaya: Check on Rose. 216