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Page 547 of 845

Title Score
A good place to keep them fresh. 229
Jade: Retrieve the package and flee to your new guide. 223
Dave: Mouse over the river and through the air shooting two guns at once. 220
Tavros: Cut to the end. 223
Jade: Explore the other guy. 221
Terezi: Orchestrate demise of the first visible captchalogue card. 229
Jack: Throw down your hat to the old underwood. 229
Roxy: Proceed to the highest point of the Learned. 222
WV: Be the puppet. 224
Dirk: Go get a bookmark. 226
Skip to the races. 224
WV: Attach your trusty knife to carve spook schema in pumpkin. 240
John: Open the Package. 243
Jade: Explore the other guy again. 234
John: Make your way to the newly created hole. 224
Rose: Retrieve arms from... 273
Aradia: Be the other golden tower. 228
Rose: First, be the other guy again. 224
what about all those kids. Now what? 228