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Page 520 of 843

Title Score
Karkat: Troll this awesome coolkid. 231
Vriska: Deal with AG. 211
John: Investigate room for anything else of importance. 213
Seconds in the future... 214
Dave: Change to Scrabble values. 220
Kanaya: Deal with crabby customer. 227
AR: Prepare to revive. 220
I clicked on all those characters. Time to move on. 221
Jade: Be the troll girl. 232
Jade: Open the big one. 213
Jane: Be Jack a few minutes. 215
Dave: Make air conditioner on roof. 209
Terezi: Take a closer look. 208
the master thief! is that who you are extra angry at crimes. 209
John: Pick up sledgehammer. 209
Hours in the closet. 209
Jane: Ok, back to the kitchen back door. 211
Dave: Pull sword out of the apple juice, despite what John said. 209
You guide the Heir. Consult with friend on the floor. 211
John: Retrieve the package already. 216