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Title Score
Kanaya: Meddle with Terezi. 228
AR?: Doff your hat to the chase and begin adventure. 238
Meanwhile, in the future... 223
Vriska: Check out bed. 222
Terezi: Return to room. 223
WV: Look at the piece of shit. 258
John: Get trolled by GC. 229
John: Enter code on back of the can. 223
Great! I would like you to get a god damn new sword. 231
Dave: Combine skateboard and Hella Jeff has a sweet new rap. 221
Roxy: Jump ahead a hundred pages or so. 271
Dave: Stop being invisible. 221
John: Forget it. Go back into the kitchen. 222
Jade: Explore the other other girl. 222
WV: Press green button on the Xbox. 222
Dave: Consult with friend on the red package. 225
John: Fondly regard desert night. 248
Months in the present... 223
Jade: Combine rifle, iron lass suit and Wise Guy book. 221