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Title Score
==> 213
Enter name. 211
==> 218
Rose: Drag some cruxite dowels up to that observatory. 217
Jade: Captchalogue nearest Squiddles doll and hug it. 215
==> 215
Rose: Proceed through door uneventfully. 221
Rose: Drop something heavy on one of those imps. 213
Tavros: Contact fellow Team Charge member. 214
======> 213
Dave: Pity da fool. 211
Terezi: Investigate. 222
........... 214
drat. please continue to solicit her graciously, good john. 621
==> 212
John: Answer your chums. 222
Jack: Knock on door. 210
==> 214
Jane: Go to front door. 217
John: Enter. 292