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Page 461 of 843

Title Score
WV: Eat letter and envelope. 258
Rose: Answer. 212
==> 216
John: Combine second pipe with clever disguise. 245
==> 222
==> 209
Kanaya: Troll the John human. 281
John: Enter captcha code as seen on back of pogo ride card. 209
AH: Ok, ha ha, get back to adventurin'. 212
Rose: Prototype sprite with Sassacre text. 227
WV: Examine pumpkin. 215
Jane: Captchalogue obelisk. 218
======> 215
John: Become overwhelmed with responsibility. 212
Jade: Realize you can go. 212
Moments earlier... 247
= > 211
Roxy: Land already. 211
==> 213
John: Zoom in. 215