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Page 262 of 845

Title Score
==> 241
Jade: Consult reminders. 242
Dave: Transfer katana to strife specibus. 270
I am told your name is John. Is that correct? 246
==> 222
==> 259
Karkat: Be the other girl. 223
Dave: Combine timetables and computer. 222
Examine ashen quadrant. 224
Jack: Get key. 219
======> 230
Vriska: Try harder. 244
==> 218
Roxy: Open to random page. 224
John: Get razor. 237
==> 217
==> 230
Rose: Sip martini thoughtfully. 223
Jack: Suppress thoughts of unfathomable Snausages. 260
Dave: Examine fetch modus. 219