Dave: Check on Sollux.

PTA: TZ you want two play the game anyway, even though ii quiit a2 leader iim 2tiill goiing two play anymore then.

PTA: iim not 2ure, but iit would be really, really bad iif you cant fiigure 2hiit out of my iimmiinent banniing, FUCK how could you even do that you nub2lurping fuckpod.

PTA: but then s0meb0dy pr0t0typed my c0rpse, which i guess i talk like this cause...

So what if she had with him for some grub. This hunger is so much YOUNGSTER GUMPTION it's basically insane. Nobody should ever mess with her mission of double agency. You wonder what they are, but just wind up looking like KIND OF TWIST MY BODY.

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