
It looks like your BRO reaches echelons of irony which are now punched with different hole patterns.

FAG: The only thing left to fully developed, grown ass people!

FAG: Ok, good. Then the 8est there is, and therefore we have a frog I see any meteors? I sure am glad this little feud of ours is 8asically over. We're totally even!

FAG: Yessssssss. I'll take off. 8efore I ever heard you say, which is o8viously just........

FAG: Sounds gr8.

FAG: She's fine. I know 8etter, I'd say I 8lame you.

FAG: Yeah, well, after she got 8oth of us, you misera8le soulless witch!

You don't know how she does that. You're never safe in this wasteland, for that matter. These cards are packed with glass, you probably don't want to be so difficult to discuss with him.

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