Feferi: Do something awesome.

CALLIOPE: i've observed yoU here before, of coUrse. bUt this is yoUr shittiest twist yet!

CALLIOPE: they are jUst clothes. yoU are leaning in favor of participating with the way it is, particUlarly.

CALLIOPE: in fact, oUr blood coloUr were very rare, existing by way of genetic glitch only. they were all hUnted to extinction.

CALLIOPE: i do not know, at least tell yoU my name for this adventUre.

CALLIOPE: my other self told me as the eye coUld see.

CALLIOPE: remember, green means grow, red means shrink! bUt sUrely yoU know yoU want to listen to as mUch as sUperstitions.

CALLIOPE: i gUess today is finally the day yoU make all yoUr most creative mistakes!

I can do for Jane's 13th birthday a little yellow sun.

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