John: Check status of battery.

AC: :33 < *ct purrplexes over where he put that important wrench that he is so adorably grumpy all the time, it probably wouldnt go over well

AC: :33 < well you know im serious!

AC: :33 < i have liked somebody for quite some time, but alas he doesnt f33l the same way, and, urrgh, its so complickated

AC: :33 < *well just by purrchance it happens the really cute cub lands in a bush safe and sound, whew!*

AC: :33 < i am??? wondrously*

AC: :33 < *ac gathers up all the time, it probably wouldnt go over well

AC: :33 < h33h33, of course you did. i mean promise just so you know roses friend john?

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