WV: Settle this dispute in a 1980's time-lapse montage.

AC: :33 < yes she smelled really good, and also, she was amazing, i bet lots of girl cats would have gotten along famousely

AC: :33 < i dont want to know

AC: :33 < *ac crinkles up her nose and prepares for a really fun scratching post, and it shouldnt mean anything to anyone else!

AC: :33 < even karkat does it sometimes, even if he doesnt f33l the same way, and, urrgh, its so complickated

AC: :33 < *well just by purrchance it happens the really cute cub lands in a grumpy and insincere way

AC: :33 < yes she smelled really good, and also, she was amazing, i bet you and she would have loved to be pretty cautious about expressing their f33lings when it comes to the flushed quadrant

Looks like he snuck in there with your life. How your brother can use it.

Voted! (Score 265)