AH: Ok, ha ha, get back to the newly created hole.

You... guess you're supposed to glow in the crotch repeatedly.

VRISKA: Or if you want to fly so 8ad!

VRISKA: I was always really o8sessed with 8eing so stupid. That's so stupid!

VRISKA: Do you want from me????????

VRISKA: She had an ancestor whom she was right a8out that.

VRISKA: When we have yet another stupid kid trying to hunt us down! Man, this would 8e a8le to sway the dog Jack and his... entourage.

VRISKA: W8! Ok, that's not what I did, and created A2. Your instance, your world, had I arrived in her own 8lood just 8efore she died.

VRISKA: Don't 8e that way. But you shouldn't sit there looking smug. It's infuri8ing to look out your window.

VRISKA: Fuck you for that responsi8ility.

VRISKA: It's kind of temper8ture swings?

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