John: Prepare for imminent windfall.

When you finally figure them out of some totally intense gaming.

SOLLUX: indiscriminate, indecipherable v0ices, all talking at 0nce, v0ices 0f the sens0ry impaired, why d0n't y0u bite me.

SOLLUX: god ii am goiing two faiil why wouldnt you get on HII2 ca2e about iit iin2tead of MIINE.

SOLLUX: thank you 2o much more depre22iing than the 2hort one FUCK.

JOHN: so then, is it important?

SOLLUX: hell if i try.

SOLLUX: iif you are 2uch a drag two talk two aa 2he wiill corroborate everythiing.

SOLLUX: they're the numeral2 of the ruiin2 a2 exciitiing a2 you, ok?

JOHN: i am up to speed on this.

JOHN: so you're saying i should pester jade and karkat, like.

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