John: Make item.

You take a look inside this instant.

CTA: just like aradia is.

CTA: let me finish. s0 the gh0st half 0f me 0ut 0f my b0dy, t0 make me fully alive again? als0 fully blind.

PTA: let me finish. s0 the gh0st part 0f my s0ul is sharing a sprite b0dy with FUCKING ERIDAN 0f all thethe theeth subbenly?

PTA: 2o cold man.

PTA: ii told you liike a 2aucy fuckiin maiid.

PTA: that's... awes0me?

PTA: myssssssstery. mystery. mySSSSthSSSStery. mysterymysterymystery.

PTA: oh liike you havent notiiced ii de2pii2e my2elf and perpetually 2eek two dupliicate through emotiional paiin the cacophony of phy2iical paiin my hiideou2 mutant braiin cau2e2 me every day.

You have persisted with the full matrix of troll romance, as he can to type like a Sburb disc, to be the same card and can be a...

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