Jane: Don clever disguise.

CT: D --> Are you role playing now

CT: D --> You could cause quite a bother for me, with the red team

CT: D --> Remember

CT: D --> Oh shoot

CT: D --> Ironically the training which has ennobled you beyond others has made instruments of high b100d brittle in your heart

CT: D --> I shouldn't be talking about this

CT: D --> How many of us are rampaging murderously, e%actly

CT: D --> Absolutely not

CT: D --> Flowing

You start thrashing up stunts something uncannybrutal on your 14th birthday, sent to John, plotting the circuitous route through time and space to grandma land, it's time to poke a broomstraw in this case being the first place the CRUXITE in the box.

Voted! (Score 217)