CTA: eheheh makiing fun of people2 reliigiion2 i2 the be2t of the thiing ii ju2t want two make me fully alive again? als0 fully blind.

CTA: i just want to spend time with aa and chill 0ut and catch up again later, h0pefully when this is s0 weird, what am i even listening t0 here.

PCC: Hey! We're the aristocracy. We've got a duty to be destined for moirallegience, both people have to be weird.

PCC: It is a dream, and a memory. It is a dream, and a memory. It is time to play this game and focus on building something new and ------EXCITING.

PCC: But I don't know about that.

PCC: I've never had a bad dream!

You are somewhat skeptical about the TREE MODUS.

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