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Title Score
======> 218
Rose: Hurry up to John's room. 218
Rose: Hit John in the future, but not many... 218
Terezi: Sniff Skaiaward. 218
==> ==> 218
Meanwhile, in the closet. 218
Dave: Summon Davesprite. 218
Dave: Search the bathroom for something slightly less damp. 218
TT: Put the bunny back in time and look for Bro's beta. 218
Jack: Examine compromising material. 218
Jane: Enter room. 218
WV: Examine contents of safe. 218
You will need to be LE. 218
John: Pick up sledgehammer. 218
======> 218
the recent past is recalled... 218
Rose: See what you can as fast as you can hold. 218
==> 218
oh wait 218
Vriska: What's his deal???????? 218