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Title Score
==> ==> 213
Terezi: Orchestrate demise of the Learned. 213
Vriska: Go back in the past... 213
Roxy: Jump ahead a hundred pages or so. 213
==> 213
John: Be the awesome coolkid. 213
======> 213
Dave: Be the other half of your interests. 213
John: Search for a boss battle. 213
John: Wake up and jam. 213
==> 213
Back in the past... 213
Aradia: Skip to the wall. 213
WV: Lay a chalk foundation for Can Town's civic growth. 213
Eridan: Do something less boring. 213
====> 213
Roxy: Wail like an imbecile and shit on your arm... 213
Be Jack a few minutes. 213
John: Combine ghost suit and particle accelerator 213
==> 213