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Title Score
======> 214
Years in the seizure kernel. 214
======> 214
I selected all those other kids? 214
==> 214
John: => SWITCH 4 214
John: Read Data Structures book. 214
Jade: Draw the intellibeam laserstation. 214
Jane: Ok, back to Aradia. 214
==> ==> 214
Jane: Solicit profound wisdom from your friendly guide. 214
==> 214
==> 214
Karkat: Get down to business. 214
Rose: Check self for unauthorized demolition. 214
Jade: Stop being that guy. 213
Dave: Be the other 3 screens. 213
John: Enter code on back of pogo ride in John's bathroom. 213
Aradia: Be the wise guy. 213
Examine room. 213