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Title Score
==> 214
==> ==> 214
John: Examine Con Air poster. 214
John: Look to your room! 214
Tavros: Go outside and begin LARPing immediately. 214
Roxy: Land already. 214
Jake: Look down. 214
Jade: Captchalogue bass on card with the dials. 214
==>? 214
John: Assail rogue. 214
======> 214
Be the other guy. 214
Rose: Build as much grist as you can as fast as you can. 214
Ok, I already picked both of those characters. Time to move on. 214
==> 214
Rose: Writhe like a good idea. 214
==> 214
==> 214
Kanaya: Equip chainsaw. 214
Eridan: Do something ridiculous. 214