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Calliope: See what you can as fast as you can go. 223
Jade: Get trolled by GC. 223
I clicked on all those characters. 223
John: Zoom in. 223
John: Enter code on back of the can. 223
==> 223
Hat: Level up. 223
Dave: Clean up this mess. 223
Jane: Check out magazine. 223
Calliope: Look around room. 223
John: Hop in. 223
==> 223
Karkat: BLUH! 223
Jade: Proceed. 223
Karkat: Deal with AG. 223
Equius: Proceed to lab. 223
stop stop stop stop stop. 223
==> ==> 223
WV: Use sharp teeth to poke a hole in the future, but not many... 222