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Title Score
John: Surrender to overwhelming emotions. 224
====> 224
Dave: Insert disc 2. 224
Vriska: Go back in time and look for Bro's beta. 224
WV: Examine contents of wallet. 224
==> 224
======> 224
Gamzee: Sample delicious pie cooling on the Cruxtruder. 224
==> 224
Nepeta: Consult with Jaspersprite. 224
Jade: Explore the other other girl. 224
==> 224
==> 224
Jade: Arm yourself. 224
Jane: Check out magazine. 224
John: Squawk like an imbecile and shit on your laptop from the tree. 224
Jane: Get hat. 224
honk. 224
==> 224
======> 224