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Jade: Be the law. 224
the opener dilemma remains unsettled, most unfortunately 224
........... 224
i don't like the gray text not human immediately. 224
John: Check contents of safe. 224
Jane: Return to serving client. 224
==> 224
WV: Type => VIEW 224
Jane: Deploy. 224
Jade: Inspect neighbor's tower. 224
AR: Use gunpowder and empty crates to make a tent. 224
Minutes in the study. 224
Jane: Answer. 224
Jade: Carve totem. 224
Tavros: Contact fellow Team Charge member. 224
John: Spy in the future... 224
==> 224
John: Take the cake! 224
Rose: Hurry up to that observatory. 224
Jack: Inspect pumpkin. 224