Title | Score |
==> | 218 |
======> | 218 |
Jack: Seek alternative casket. | 218 |
==> | 218 |
==> ==> | 218 |
======> | 218 |
==> ==> | 218 |
John: Find the unlocked hub. | 218 |
Tavros: Cut to the attractive female. | 218 |
==> | 218 |
John: Empty sylladex. | 218 |
Enter name. | 218 |
==> | 218 |
John: Examine Alchemiter in a long discarded memory... | 218 |
Dave: Examine fetch modus. | 218 |
Rose: Get violin. | 218 |
John: Pester Karkat. | 218 |
TT: Open Phernalia Registry. | 218 |
Greetings. | 218 |
YES!!!!!!!!!!! | 218 |