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Title Score
==> 224
==> 224
Dirk: Check on lusus. 224
======> 224
Rose: Check up on data structures. 224
Rose: Hurry and activate the generator! 224
Jade: Get out of illicit literature. 224
==> 224
==> 224
==> 224
==> 224
Back in the future... 224
Davesprite: Chill with Davesprite. 224
Render the girl in a 1980's time-lapse montage. 224
Dirk: What the hell is that on your laptop from the tree. 224
Eridan: Do something less boring. 224
John: Go out to be strong. 224
==> 224
END OF ACT 6 ACT 6 ACT 5 ACT 1. 224
ACT 6 ACT 6 ACT 5 ACT 1 224