Title | Score |
TT: Revise room. | 219 |
==> | 219 |
==> | 219 |
==> | 219 |
so hey | 219 |
Davesprite: Chill with Davesprite. | 219 |
==> | 219 |
==> | 219 |
John: Read book. Be the mysterious spider girl. | 219 |
Months in the future... | 219 |
==> | 219 |
WV: Fiddle with the appearifier. | 219 |
John: Wear the scarf. Ride the ogre. | 219 |
........... | 219 |
Dave: Ignore Lil Cal a nervous fist bump. | 219 |
Jade: Combine one of those characters. Time to move on. | 219 |
Jack: Send him home. | 219 |
==> | 219 |
Dave: Mouse over the river and through the air shooting two guns at once. | 219 |
==> | 219 |